Saturday, July 02, 2011

Cool as a Cucumber

  This is the time of year that you begin to have an abundance of fresh garden veggies, especially cucumbers, zucchini & squash etc. =) And while I love having an almost endless supply at my fingertips for cooking & such; after awhile I do start to wish they would not produce quite so abundantly & quite as often!
  So if you have extra cucumbers & your wondering what  to do with them, give this recipe a shot....To be honest I don't just love cucumbers, but I think this dip is lip-smacking good!

Cucumber Dill Dip

8 oz. cream cheese, softened
1 med cucumber, finely chopped *
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 drops hot sauce **
dash of salt
pepper to suit your taste
dried dill weed to suit you taste

Mix together well & chill. Serve with crackers.

*I used about 2 cukes & grated them instead of chopping.
**I'll use more hot sauce the next time, wasn't hot at all.

We had this for lunch yesterday witthhh.....guess what?!..... Zucchini & squash! =) Was just perfect for a light meal after we had been working outside in the heat. It would be wonderful for any get-together you have planned for the weekend also!
Everyone have a safe & happy 4th of July! =)